Freezer Pop Holders


Happy Memorial Day weekend! We traveled to Dave’s hometown today to pay our respects and visit loved ones. Since I needed a road trip project, I grabbed a bag of the 4 x 4 fleece squares left over from the no-sew fleece pillows my family made last Thanksgiving and some embroidery floss. I simply folded each square in half, hand-stitched the bottom and side, and added a blanket stitch on the top. [UPDATE: Now I only stitch the sides and blanket stitch the top AND bottom. Click HERE to see why! :)] They’re the perfect size to keep little hands comfy while holding and slurping freezer pops at our family get-together this summer! And, since it was a long trip, I have plenty for everyone. β™₯


73 responses »

  1. Katherine, you always have great projects to share, most importantly the thoughtfulness of the DIY. This is very nice, useful, and comes in handy. Be Blessed, Mtetar

  2. They are great. The children will love them. I wish I had thought of this when mine were small. I used to wrap a face cloth around them.

  3. Ha! Going to make some! It will cut down the washcloth laundry lol! But i won’t close mine at the bottom sothekids will be able to slide them up and down πŸ˜‰ thanks for the idea!

  4. Out of curiosity do you have any doll dress patterns for tiny dolls? My daughter just got a 3 inch high Rapunzel with one dress and I want to make more. I’ll probably have to use fleece or felt for something so small, like these freezie holders.

    • I’m sorry, but I don’t! And WOW . . . that’s REALLY small! I think a thin felt would be perfect since it wouldn’t fray. I can’t wait to see what you make! And good luck! πŸ™‚

  5. Pingback: Summertime Otter Pop Holders | Grow Sew Happy

  6. Pingback: Freezer Pop Holder Redo (and Hostess Gift!) | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  7. Pingback: Fleece Earbud Pouches | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  8. Pingback: Kids’ Scarves and Hats | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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