Tag Archives: Family

Life Right Now . . .


I’ve joined a “club” that some of my favorite people belong to but I’d hoped never to join . . . the Breast Cancer Club. My particular diagnosis involves 6 months of chemotherapy, then a mastectomy, then radiation. However, I have wonderful doctors and the best family/friend support group anyone could ever hope for, and I’m being showered daily with prayers and lovingkindness, so I’ve got this!

My blog will be on hiatus for awhile, but first I want to share something with you. A couple of years ago, my sweet granddaughter Ally drew the picture at the left for me while we were traveling somewhere in the car, and it’s been hanging on my wall ever since. Last night, she was stroking my hair, knowing that I’ll be losing it soon, and suddenly asked for a piece of white tape. A few minutes later, she showed me what she wanted it for . . . to change my crazy reddish hair into a chemo cap. Children are so perceptive and loving!

All shall be well! ♥



To All the Aunties in the World . . .


Aunt QuoteI’ve had the BEST Mother’s Day weekend! Cute cards! Thoughtful gifts! Phone calls! Dinner! Flowers! A music theater production of my favorite book, Little Women! And most of all, lots of love. As as I think about my mom, mom-in-law, and grandmothers, I fondly remember my sweet aunts, too. You’ve heard about Aunt Vitha, wearer of fun earrings . . . she always had a cookie jar full of Oreos. And my other aunts  . . . what a heartfelt visit I had with them this spring. I cherish every moment with my dear nieces and nephews, and my sister Susan and seven daughters-in-law have the most amazing auntie skills I’ve ever seen. So hats off to you, dear aunts . . . thank you for being our “other” moms. ♥

Solar System Earrings

A Story About A Lady I Love


Vida's TableclothWe lost my mom-in-law Vida last night.  So I’ll be away for awhile, but first I want to share a story.  This photo shows a tiny section of the border of a huge, gorgeous tablecloth that Vida embroidered for us, along with a set of eight napkins.  I can’t even begin to imagine how long it took to make . . . just look at all the details, including little French knots around the centers of the flowers!  One holiday we were all sitting around the table stuffed and unmoving, savoring the memory of the meal and putting off dish-washing as long as possible.  “Everything was just perfect,” someone finally said, breaking the silence.  Then another family member replied, “Well . . . not quite . . .”  We all looked at her expectantly.  “I’m not positive, but I THINK the cloth is on the table wrong-side up!” she explained.  We all peered intently at the stitches, and honestly we couldn’t even tell because Vida’s embroidery is as perfect on the back as it is on the front!  I sheepishly apologized, but Vida just smiled graciously, loving that my mistake was actually the highest form of compliment to her handiwork.  Vida and I have laughed about that every holiday since then, and I know I always will . . . but from now on, with a tear.  I love you, Vida! ♥

Cookies, Love, and Prayers


Cookie CuttersI started writing this post a couple of days ago to show you my new Christmas decoration. When I began having children of my own, my mother gave me the cookie cutters we used to make Christmas cookies when I was a little girl. Oh, the hours of fun I’ve had with them! This December I wanted a little something extra in the kitchen, so I strung them on ribbons, tied them together at the top, and hung them in my window.

Today, I think of my cookie cutters in a completely different way. I weep with joy that I got to grow up baking Christmas cookies with my mom and that my sons got to grow up baking Christmas cookies with me. And I weep with sadness for those children and parents who won’t have that opportunity this Christmas.

To Kris and Mike, who lost their 14-year-old daughter Bekah to cancer this week . . . to the parents of the children who were killed at their elementary school yesterday . . . to all parents everywhere who mourn the loss of a child . . . may you find comfort in the love and prayers of all of us. ♥

Thanksgiving (well, really Christmas!) Pillow Project


After the big Thanksgiving dinner at our house, the kids and grown-ups visit, snack, watch football, snack, nap, snack, and . . . make things! (Check out these Play-Doh sculptures from Thanksgivings past! :)) This year I’ll still have the usual supplies, but I thought it would also be fun to have a project that the kids can take home and/or guests can make to donate to a local nonprofit for Christmas gifts for children in need. The minute I decided on no-sew fleece pillows, I got an email from Hancock Fabrics with all their fleece for half price PLUS free shipping, so I knew it had to be! To keep it simple, I went ahead and did all the cutting, rolled and tied each matching pillow top and bottom together, and put the right amount of stuffing in individual bags so everyone can just choose a fabric, grab a bag, and find a comfy spot to craft and chat. I’ll try to post a photo of all the kids with the pillows we make after the holiday! ♥

P.S. Since the instructions call for cutting out the corners from each piece, I now I have about a bazillion colorful 4 x 4 inch fleece squares to use for other projects. Any ideas???

P.P.S. Click here for a kids’ Thanksgiving story and lots of wonderful last-minute holiday recipes and crafts from Collectively Creative. Blessings to all!

Mrs. Hetherington’s Thanksgiving Pageant


Welcome to the “THANKFUL” edition of Collectively Creative! Today I have a giveaway for all of our blogging friends . . . one of my children’s stories from Pockets magazine for you to read, share, and/or use to introduce a creative writing activity about holidays.  Simply click the first link for a printable word document or the second link for a printable pdf.

Mrs. Hetherington’s Thanksgiving Pageant (word document)

Mrs. Hetherington’s Thanksgiving Pageant (pdf)

I hope some special kids in your life will enjoy meeting Mrs. Hetherington and her Portland Elementary School Drama Club this holiday season! But first, please pour a cup of tea and take a few minutes to savor the rest of this month’s Collectively Creative posts. Each one has something special to enrich our lives. Happy Thanksgiving! ♥

P.S. If you’re a parent, grandparent, children’s book reviewer, librarian, or teacher, please check out the new kids’ Thanksgiving book called Sarah Gives Thanks by one of our fellow WordPressers, Mike Allegra at heylookawriterfellow. I bought a copy, and it’s a keeper!