Nancy Drew Tote Bags


Nancy DrewRemember my “Get a Clue with Nancy Drew” coasters? When I bought the charm pack, I also bought a yard each of two different Nancy Drew fabrics to make lined tote bags for a couple of cutie-patootie girls in my family . . .  and fill with their first sets of Nancy Drew books!

I used a tutorial from Quick Stuff to Sew (Volume IV), a publication of, for the totes (like this one, minus the stripes). I hope there will soon be two new Nancy Drew fans in the world! ♥

  • Book 1: The Secret of the Old Clock
  • Book 2: The Hidden Staircase
  • Book 3: The Bungalow Mystery
  • Book 4: The Mystery at Lilac Inn
  • Book 5: The Secret of Shadow Ranch
  • Book 6: The Secret of Red Gate Farm



70 responses »

  1. “The Bungalow Mystery” was one of my favorites, mainly because I thought “bungalow” sounded so exotic, ha ha! This is a great idea!! I would have been thrilled to get this as a present when I was a kid. Shoot, I’d be thrilled to get this as a present now! 😉

  2. I wish they’d print more classic book fabrics (the Narnia books for one or The Little Prince or even Judy Blume books :D) so I could do something like this with lots of my old favorites – I love the totes and the gift idea!

    • I agree! Another popular book around my house is the “Mr. Books” and I just found Mr. Book/Little Miss Book fabric!!! So someone will be getting a tote bag made from that full of fun books very soon! 🙂

  3. Love the bags and Nancy Drew! This reminds me though, with you being an education writer, that my Children’s Lit professor in college (a woman, too) couldn’t stand Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys, etc. because they weren’t “good” literature. I think she expected kids to only read the really tough, thought provoking material. Oh, well, she’s missing out! I don’t think I was harmed by devouring two ND a day all summer!

    • I agree! And as a teacher, I was all for kids reading what they loved . . . as long as they were reading! 🙂 And then I enticed them to the classics through read-alouds and activities . . . it works! 🙂

      • Exactly! You’ve got to get them interested in reading in general first. Now, I prefer to read more complex works because I want the challenge, and they are more interesting now. But Nancy got me started, as well as the Boxcar Children.

  4. That’s a great idea. Think I’ll whip up a book bag for my grandnieces and add a nighty with a good read. Never got to read Nancy Drew as a kid but Trixie Belden and Donna Parker were favorites when I could get to books. I have them in my library at home even now.

  5. What a fabulous gift and a really good idea! I had two lovely, encouraging Uncles when I was growing up and I just found out one has bought an apartment near me! I am so pleased.
    Thank God for loving relatives. 🙂

  6. What an adorable idea! I just love the fabric, and the gift idea is so sweet. What lucky young ladies, and I hope they get “bit” by the Nancy Drew bug, too.

  7. Pingback: Themed Fabric Gift Bags | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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