Sincerely Liz Boutique


DressOne of my VERY favorite bloggers is Liz from a A Ponytail Kind of Day. Every time I saw one of her unique creations, I’d think, “I sure wish she had a shop!” Well, now she does! It’s the Sincerely Liz Boutique, where you’ll find all kinds of beautiful handmade items for your home. Since I was looking for gifts for specific people, I ordered these fabric hangers, a set of rag coasters, and this way-cool bowl made from a Christmas record album. Then, friend that she is, Liz also put in this “Keep Calm and Sew On” framed art AND an AMAZING vintage dress and lace overlay that she bought for one dollar because she knew how much I’d have fun using it for a “What Can You Make With A . . .” project! What a sweetie! Please check out Liz’s boutique from this post or from my Shop Love! page above, and THANK YOU, Liz! ā™„


33 responses »

  1. HaHa I love the “keep calm and sew on”. Very clever and happy making! I also am interested to see what you will make with the vintage dress.

    • I know . . . I SO love that! And it looks right at home in my sewing room/office. šŸ™‚ And that DRESS . . . it’s gorgeous! If I were a Skinny Minnie I’d be tempted to wear it somewhere! šŸ™‚

  2. I am so glad you liked the dress, when I saw it I thought of you, and the price tag was perfect also ! It was very kind of you to mention me šŸ™‚ and I love your “Shop Love”, you are a very special person and I love reading your blog and seeing your creations. Happy holidays !!

  3. I agree I love the framed prints too, the good thing about your products is I havn’t seen anything with a similar designm so they are really new and unique xx

  4. Where do I find the instructions for making those coat hanger covers? I have recently purchased clothing from the “delicate” line and need softened hangers for the pieces so they won’t lose their shape.

  5. Pingback: What can you make with a vintage dress? | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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