Fabric Memo Board


I’ve always loved fabric memo boards and decided to try making one. It was easy and fun! Here are the directions:

1. Cut a sturdy piece of cardboard to size.

2. Use the cardboard for a pattern to cut a piece of quilt batting, adding a couple of inches all the way around.

3. Wrap the batting around the cardboard, squaring the corners, and tape it at the back.

4. Use this as a pattern for the fabric. You could repeat the step above and tape the fabric at the back, but I used enough to wrap all the way around and then handstitched everything together to help the fabric stay flat and tight.

5. Wrap coordinating ribbons, rick-racks, or other trims in a pleasing pattern. I tacked mine at the back with a few stitches.

6. Stitch a small scrap of ribbon at the back top center for hanging.

7. Tuck cards, photos, and clippings under the trims . . . no pins or tacks needed. Or . . . (see next post!)  ♥

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  1. Pingback: Fabric Memo Board Plus . . . « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  2. Pingback: Another 5-Minute Craft Room Idea « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  3. Pingback: Colorful Fabric Memo Board « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  4. Pingback: “Start Where You Are . . .” « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  5. Pingback: Pin-Up Menu Board | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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