Road Trip Projects


We spent fifteen hours in the car this weekend for a fun trip to see family. In my project bag I brought along . . .

(1) blue and gold scrapbook paper to cut into circles for garland for my class reunion next weekend,

(2) fabric and buttons to make flowers, and

(3) two embroidery projects to finish (posts to come!).

I also received these adorable earrings as a surprise gift from our hostess! They’re created by a nonprofit called Unboxed Art . . . please check out their website when you get a chance, and have a lovely week! ♥



29 responses »

  1. I love those earrings! Couldn’t find them on their website though. I’m hitting the road this week too and taking some ribbon embroidery with me .Maybe I can get my grandnieces interested.:)

    • Hmm . . . maybe each pair of earrings they make is different??? But I truly love their mission! Have fun on your road trip! And I hope your grandnieces clamor to learn embroidery! 🙂

  2. i am utterly in awe of your ideas/writing/blog. how do you manage to respond to the gazillion likes/followers/comments? you are so genuinely nice and personable…quite incredible. i…am…in…awe…

    • What a sweetie you are! One thing that helped me a LOT was installing Firefox in place of my outdated browser . . . now I can respond to comments from the toolbar and read the blogs I follow in the reader instead of getting everything by email . . . and I’m a full-time writer of elementary curriculum materials so I work at home, which means I can peek in during my coffee breaks . . . and I just love *meeting* all the lovely people out there–like you! 🙂 Your blog is SO much fun . . . so glad I found it! Have a WONDERFUL week! 🙂 Best, Katherine

  3. Pingback: Music Pillow « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  4. I love how you keep your emboidery floss tidy! What a neat idea. I might steal that. I’m sure I have clothes pins somewhere. …thanks for liking my page…. love your blog!

    • You’re very welcome! I have all my flosses on clothes pins in a beautiful clay bowl my mom made . . . so they’re a fun decoration as well as a craft material! And thank you for the blog compliment . . . I’m glad we’ve met! 🙂

  5. Pingback: Class Reunion Garland « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  6. Pingback: “Notepaper” Coasters « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  7. Pingback: Freezer Pop Holders | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  8. Pingback: Music Lover’s Gift Basket | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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