Audrey’s Bierocks


As you know, it has been raining surprises in my mailbox lately!  Then my doorbell rang, and it was my friend and faithful Pillows A-La-Mode reader Audrey with a container of her world-famous bierocks  . . . “just because.”  They’re BEAUTIFUL to look at and MOUTHWATERING to taste!  She was also gracious enough to send me her recipe to share with my blogging friends.  Click the link below for a printable pdf, and prepare to be amazed!  Thank you, Audrey! ♥  P.S. Update: For those new to this dish, a bierock is a mixture of beef, cabbage, and other goodies baked in a pocket of bread dough.  Mmmmmm . . .

Audrey’s Bierocks

35 responses »

  1. I take that back– I want to make these myself! In the picture (tiny as it is on my phone), I thought they were a baked treat, but now that I’ve looked over the recipe, I can’t wait to make them! And coincidentally, my Thanksgiving leftovers are just about gone… ; )

  2. I looked at the pictures and thought these were cookies filled with jam or chocolate. Then I read the recipe and discovered they were something quite different, but also very tasty sounding and so good for a cold winter evening’s meal. Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  3. Im with Kerri…although i thought they were biskets of some kind…. and at first couldnt figure out why the recipie had beef….(Who bakes with beef lol) anyway i figured it out kinnda like a giant perogie …. might have to try it although we dont eat cabbage often my mother in law always buys a massive one and never seems to finish hers lol

  4. This recipe was one of my beloved mother-in-law’s most enjoyed dinners. But, I’ve got to know what part of the country you are in – Midwest? That is where she lived.

  5. I have also never heard of a bierock, but I think they would make a perfect take-to-work-lunch 🙂 thank you to your friend for sharing and to you for posting!

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