Girl’s T-Shirt Dress with Necktie Skirt


I found a hot pink girl’s T-shirt on sale at Target and thought it would be lovely with some of my necktie fabrics! To make the skirt, I cut off the wide ends of the neckties, unstitched them, took off all the linings and interfacing, evened them out at the bottom, stitch them together, then stitched them onto the bottom of the T-shirt. I also made a mini fabric/button flower for a little a-la-mode. Here it is! (Click photo for larger view.) Oh, and here are a few other necktie projects to try! ♥

Necktie Onesies

Necktie Ruffle Pillows

Necktie Wristlets

Necktie Flower Pillows

20 responses »

    • Thank you, Jennie! 🙂 I’m about to finish up my husband’s *donated* ties, but all my blogging friends say I can find more for pennies at a thrift store so I’ll be on the hunt soon! 🙂

  1. very nice idea – I have a roll of ties my friend gave me to make a purse with. I haven’t tried clothing yet. Now I gotta put this on my list – and my list keeps growing!!

  2. Pingback: Another Girl’s T-Shirt Dress « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  3. Pingback: What can you make with a sundress? « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  4. Pingback: Necktie T-Shirt Re-Fashion | The Domestication of the Running Rose

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