Road Trip Project!


I’m going to be in the car for 7-8 hours tomorrow and wanted to take something to work on. I’ll share what I came up with in case you have a road trip coming up, too. πŸ™‚

  • First, go to The Renegade Seamstress and check out Beth’s fabric flower tutorial . . . super-easy! (I stitch instead of glue, but either way turns out great.)
  • Go through your remnants and cut out circles–seven of each fabric.Β  I use a peanut butter jar lid as a template (mmm . . . peanut butter . . . ) and all types of fabrics–solids, prints, wovens, and knits.
  • Put the seven circles in a baggie along with a button, beads, or earring for the flower center and a spool of matching thread.
  • Throw the baggies into your project bag along with a needle and some scissors, and you’re good to go!

I’ll put the pins and/or clips on the back when I get home, and hopefully I’ll have LOTS of pretty flowers to show you! β™₯


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