It’s “Good Neighbor Award” Time Again!


Good Neighbor AwardFor my first blog anniversary last September, I celebrated by hosting the Good Neighbor Award and giveaway. It was so much fun that I want to do it again this year!  Here’s the scoop:

AWARD: Simply put, the Good Neighbor Award is for someone you’ve met in the blogging world you wish could be your real-life neighbor.  To nominate a blogger, simply email me (to keep it a surprise!) at, including a link to the blog and why you’d like this blogger to live next door. Is it to cook, sew, craft, shop, or write together? To learn to do something new? To be inspired? To visit over a cup of tea? Nominees will receive the award button on my second blogiversary, Sunday, September 22. (Click here to read about last year’s nominations!)

GIVEAWAY: The person with the MOST nominations will be invited to send me a formerly-loved garment that I’ll make into some fun treasures and return. (Click here and here to read about last year’s winner!) Thank YOU for being MY good neighbors the past two years, and I hope to hear from you soon! ♥

44 responses »

  1. I don’t know who I’d pick, I’ve “met” a lot of super people on the blogs! But a big congrats on the blogoversary! I’ve been blogging “on and off” for many years, a few blogs…always come back. Miss it when I’m offline too long.

    Can’t wait to see what you make with that garment! 😉

  2. I’m kind of new to blogging, so I wouldn’t have many to choose from and the one blogger I thought this would be great for, turned out to be an *ahem* BAD neighbor when I “met” her in person. BUT, by checking out the links in your post here, I was so excited to see you are an author! Are your books available for purchase? (Wait, wait… I just found the edwriter link – I’ve got to check these out for the nieces and nephews! So cool!)

    • Aww . . . that’s too bad that you had such a negative experience! But I hope you’ll think of someone to nominate this week. And thank you for checking out my books! They’re all sold by the educational publishers I work for–mostly in classroom sets, but some of them will sell individual books. I have a really fun job!!! 🙂

  3. I can see that picture of the award as a mug rug – what a neat one it would make, too. I’ll give it some thought (the nomination, I mean). Lots of folks on here that I really enjoy, so hard to pick just one.

  4. Happy anniversary! I love following your blog – there’s always something interesting going on! I can’t think of anyone to nominate for your award but I hope that it goes to someone deserving! Xx

  5. I wish I could nominate you for the Good Neighbor Award!! I just watched Zhenya’s YouTube video showing all of the wonderful things you sent for her Refashion Runway prize. So many wonderful things!! Thank you again for being a prize sponsor!!

  6. Congratulations on two years, Katherine! I’ve been a bit out of the bloggy world recently, working “behind-the-scenes” (ha!), but I was so excited to read this post!! You know how touched I was to win last year…and how very much I adored everything thing you made for me! I have the frame with the three C’s in my office and it always makes me smile! xo

    • It’s so wonderful to hear from you, Kelly! I’m still a huge fan! 🙂 And I loved every minute making fun things from your lovely sundress last year. Thank you for stopping by to say hello! 🙂 Hugs, Katherine

  7. Pingback: Three more days until the awards and giveaway . . . and some free books! | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  8. Pingback: The Good Neighbor Awards and Giveaway Winner! | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  9. Pingback: What can you make with a sentimental dress? | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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