No-Sew Spaghetti T-Shirt Scarf


Blue ScarfCollageMy sweet daughter-in-law Christin is getting SO crafty! She made this beautiful blue no-sew spaghetti T-shirt scarf for me after seeing a how-to video on TV. I LOVE it! And, of course, I HAD to figure out how to make one myself! I found a tutorial on Margo Is Crafty that matched it perfectly, and believe it or not I finished it in TEN . . . yes TEN minutes! If you have old or extra T-shirts lying around, try this! And if you’ve already posted a tutorial for a T-shirt scarf, will you please comment with a link so I can add it below? I know there are lots of styles and techniques out there that will be fun to try. Thank you!  P.S. Christin used pinking shears to cut her strips to add extra texture, and I used my regular sewing shears. I love it both ways! ♥

Other T-Shirt Scarf Links:

49 responses »

      • Wahooo!! I lurve no bake aswell!! In our family we have been using THE easiest dessert recipe for last minute functions for about 15 years!! We call it a raspberry gratin……I don’t know how it got the tag gratin though because it’s more like a trifle or summer pudding!! We basically just buy a supermarket, plain and simple, ready made, Madeira cake…..and crumble it up with your fingers, defrost a bag of raspberries, grate a little lemon rind, and whip up some cream… can picture it right? just fill a trifle bowl with layers of the crumbled cake, topped with a tiny bit of rind and a sprinkle of brown sugar, raspberries and then a layer of cream…..make the last layer on the top cream with brown sugar and brown it quickly under a grill (or fancy nancy kitchen blow torch!) and voila! you would not believe how delish this dessert is, takes about 15 minutes to make and no one has ever said they don’t like it! Frozen raspberries seem to work best as there is always some extra juice when they defrost to pour over the cake layer as you work your way up. It looks so pretty aswell as the red juice trickles through the cake layer, and is much more glam than just an Eton Mess 🙂

  1. this has been on my list to make for like 2 years! thanks for the reminder and how awesome that you are a crafting family! 😀

  2. Thank you so much for putting in links to other sewing, crafting blogs.I’m still learning how to navigate my way around and you are helping me find all kinds of wonderful links. It feels like a giant road trip where I get to visit each little town along the way and see what they have in their stores. You are all so inspiring. I wish I could bold the Thank You so you could get the gist of my intensity of appreciation. This will have to do. M

  3. Pingback: What can you make with a Dr. Seuss T-shirt? | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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