Clutch and Tote


I am the SO lucky winner of Homespun Haley’s recent giveaway . . . a handmade clutch! It hasn’t arrived quite yet, but isn’t it lovely? Please check out Haley’s blog and her Etsy shop as well. Thank you, Haley! β™₯

And then . . . I must have dreamed about the fabric, because this morning I woke up with an idea for a tote bag that includes pink flowers and teal. I patiently waited until after work and dinner to start on it, but here it is! I used a two-sided placemat and some sturdy duck cloth I had in my stash.Β  The easy-breezy directions are on the photos . . . click if you’d like a larger view.




18 responses »

  1. Congrats! I love the part that you said you patiently waited until after work and dinner to work on the tote… I make myself wait also when wanting to work on something… after the kids are fed, and its funny because the whole time I am “patiently” waiting, I am saying to myself, “oooh, its almost time! Then I can be alone with my thoughts and my project!”

    • I’m glad I’m not the only one who does that! πŸ™‚ Seriously, I could go through my projects and point out so many that I envisioned first thing when I woke up! We must be having sweet dreams! πŸ™‚

  2. great idea….my daughters want to make purses for their American Girl dolls….any thoughts on varying this pattern? using a cloth napkin instead? ribbons for straps? it needs to be easy since i am helping them make it (they are 8 and 10).
    thanks for your inspiration!

    • How about making clutches and then adding ribbon straps to hang them over the dolls’ shoulders? Here’s a link to a super simple clutch tutorial using a placemat: . . . but how about using a rectangle of felt in the size you need? For the closure, you could sew a button on the top flap and tack a colorful stretchy hairband on the front of the purse to loop over the button. Then the girls could decorate them with felt flowers, more buttons, old jewelry, or whatever else they could think of. Uh oh . . . now I want to come over and help! πŸ™‚ Have fun! πŸ™‚

  3. Pingback: Laces . . . And Another Placemat Tote! « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  4. Oh…speaking to my heart here. I wonder if this will work with the gazillion upholstery fabric samples I just got this weekend? Gotta try it – yup, another thing on my list. πŸ™‚

  5. Pingback: Craft Camp–Wrap up « thehighnotedotnet

  6. Pingback: What can you make with a polo shirt? « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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