Diaper Clutch


Remember the placemat pouches I made earlier this year? Today I turned one of them into a gift for a new mom by:

(1) making a super thin, soft, washable changing pad from a $1.99 child’s paint apron from Michaels (with enough fabric left over for one more pad and some other projects, too!)
(2) adding a small package of wipes and a diaper, and
(3) composing this poem (click to enlarge) to pin to the clutch.

Super fun, super easy . . . and I think she’ll like it! β™₯

44 responses »

  1. Brilliant. To often Mum have to pack things that makes them look like they are on a years expedition to the Himalaya’s when all they need would be just enough space for a Diaper. These will keep the Diaper hidden in just their Handbag.

  2. That is a perfect mom (with pre-potty-trained kids) gift! I remember doing this very thing for quick outings or visits. One diaper, changing pad, and travel pack of wipes… instead of a huge heavy cumbersome diaper bag.

    • Thank you, artlovermommy! I’ve seen lots of different versions on Pinterest and thought it seemed like such a good idea, but I’m glad to know you’ve “field-tested” it! πŸ™‚ I’ll definitely make more! πŸ™‚

    • Thank you! And I HAVE seen lots of different sizes and shapes for these . . . I saw one that’s similar to a toiletry bag (with a handle and zipper on top) . . . that might give you the extra room you’ll need. πŸ™‚

  3. What a great idea! I’m amazed and a little jealous of your crafty mind! You’re giving me a lot of things to add to my “want to do” list…thanks!

  4. Sadly I don’t know anyone just now who could use one of these, but a gorgeous clutch can be used by anyone. Congratulations on another brilliant suggestion, useful to so many of us in so many different ways!

    I marvel at the gorgeous fabrics you’ve found. Now have something to do with all the lovely one-of’s I spot at Marshall’s, TJMaxx, etc. Thank you!

    • I LOVE making things with placemats! I find them in the clearance shelves at World Market, Bed Bath and Beyond, Target, or other department stores. Once you have one in your hand, the creative juices just start flowing! πŸ™‚

    • Wow . . . that is so sweet of you, Stacy! And thank you for the kind words in your VERY FUN post!!! Please allow me to *bend* the rules just a bit and show my appreciation by adding a big THANK YOU to the lovely button you gave me on my sidebar . . . .and, when readers click on it, it takes them to you! I so appreciate your thoughtfulness, and keep up the great work on your blog! Best, Katherine

    • Yay! Any type of clutch would work, too. I just like the idea of having something that’s not only small but something in a “grown-up” fabric that has a secret purpose. πŸ™‚ Plus, you could also throw in your keys and phone instead of taking a purse. πŸ™‚

  5. Pingback: Felt Baby Mobile « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  6. I use the Avon travel document zippered folder. It fits 2 diapers, wipes, change pad, spare socks and mittens. Also, Daddy is not embarassed to be seen carrying a black slightly larger than average clutch.

What do you think?