Tablecloth + Napkins = Curtains


I was in the mood for some new curtains for two skinny bedroom windows, and I had some fabric that would work perfectly . . . a tablecloth and napkins!

  • Cut the tablecloth in half to make two curtains.
  • Cut a strip off the bottom of each piece.
  • Cut two of the napkins into fourths and sew the strips together to make long, narrow borders.
  • Sew the napkin borders to the tablecloth fabrics.
  • Hem all the unfinished edges.
  • Turn the tops under and stitch to make casings for the curtain rods.
  • Hem all the way around the two extra strips and use them for tie-backs.
  • Make a matching pillow with the other two napkins.

I love the new look! β™₯

30 responses »

  1. You make me wish I’d saved some of Mom’s old table clothes! She had dozens of them but we had no place for them (I already had about a dozen, myself, that she gave me!) so we sold them in a garage sale! 😦

  2. Great idea! Oh, something else to put in the “might be able to use some day” box. LOL Maybe others will have great stuff in their yard sales & thrift store & Goodwill … lots of used table cloths. Might not have the matching napkins with them, often something coordinating will be there.

    • Thank you, Liz! If no napkins are available, they would be nice without the border, too. I just think tablecloths have the prettiest fabrics for LOTS of projects, don’t you? πŸ™‚

  3. Reblogged this on My Devon and commented:
    I have a tablecloth which I dont want to throw away but would like to make use of……..if this is you then this is a great idea for its use.

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