A Design-her Gals Goodbye . . . OR a Business Opportunity?


Gift CardLast September I wrote a post about how I designed the gravatar I use for my WordPress blog and gift tags. I was very happy that many of you checked out the Design-her Gals business, and some of you even made and shared your own “gals!” For example  . . .

  • Just look at this fun version of Liz at A Ponytail Kind of Day with her Cavalier King Charles and Diet Coke!
  • And this fun version of Kelly at Boomdeeadda with her camera and cats!

Now, sadly, Design-her Gals is closing its doors on April 15 . . . UNLESS someone else takes over the business. Could that be one of you? If you’re interested, please explore their web site and then email the owner, Jeanne Fitzmaurice, at Jeanne(at)designhergals(dot)com. As Jeanne says, “Spring is the perfect time for a new owner to lead Design-her Gals forward with a fresh perspective!”

And ALL of you can use the promo code GOODBYE to get 35% off business cards, notecards, and other paper goods with your very own “gal” on them (in an outfit and accessories YOU put together!) through the closing date. Remember that a portion of every purchase also supports Stage IV breast cancer research! ♥


27 responses »

  1. I sooo love your gravatar. I wondered how you had come up with it. Thank you for sharing the story behind the story and I hope things turn out. ~Thea

  2. This is a great site and it would be sad to see them close. I wonder what is involved to run this company? I think it would be a fun venture! Thanks for the mention 🙂 If you hadn’t shared, I would have never had my notepads made up !!

  3. Pingback: Shout-Out x 3 | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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