What can you make with a Dr. Seuss T-shirt?


ShirtMarch 2 is Dr. Seuss’s birthday! When I taught first grade, we always celebrated by wearing Dr. Seuss T-shirts, cooking green eggs and ham in the classroom, and reading all the kids’ favorite DS books. But now that I’ve moved on to a different career, I decided to use this well-loved T-shirt for my next “What can you make with a . . .” refashion.

  • First, I used the bottom of the shirt for the no-sew spaghetti t-shirt scarf that I shared last month.
  • Next, I used the “Sam’s Ham” graphic and back for a pillow (which is now on its way to some sweet little guys in Florida along with a copy of the matching book). I love that the T-shirt had a Dr. Seuss label that I could stitch into the side seam of the pillow!
  • The fabric from the shoulders became a travel neck pillow with “Ahh . . .” embroidered for a-la-mode. (You’ll find a fabulous tutorial at The Cottage Home!)
  • The rest of the scraps were stitched together into a rectangle and paired with a colorful remnant to make a little mat to put under a centerpiece or plant.
  • Oh, and did you know that a t-shirt neckband makes a perfect no-sew headband for around the house or working out???  Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss! ♥


89 responses »

  1. I didn’t know his birthday was coming up — I love Dr. Seuss! My favorite book of his is The Lorax.

    Also, I’m always, always amazed at your creativity. So many projects from one shirt! And I love that pillow — it’s perfect!

  2. I always get great ideas for REmissionary projects from you – love this remake. We read Dr Seuss to our kids when they were little too; my late husband LOVED those books as much as the kids did.

    • Dr. Seuss was full of wisdom and has a writing style that no one will ever (or SHOULD ever) imitate. And his books’ appeal to adults means we never get tired of reading them over and over (and OVER) to kids! I love that! 🙂

  3. I love Dr. Seuss, I was going to write a post shortly where I took an adult tee shirt and made it into one for a little girl and then used the neck band for her hair, you beat me too it. She loves her quick no sew head band.

    • What a sweet thing to say! Usually I just think of one or two things (like I was dying to make a t-shirt scarf, and this graphic was perfect for a pillow). Then it’s a fun challenge to see what I can do with the rest . . . plus it gives me a chance to experiment with some crafts I’ve been wanting to try! 🙂

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  5. I know I have said it before but I must say it again. I LOVE your ideas and particularly the thinking outside the square “” what can you make with?”. My fave Dr Seuss story is the “empty pants with no one inside them”

    • Thank you, Josee! It’s great to see you back! Just saw your snow photos . . . whoa! Good luck with all the weather-related problems! And can’t wait to see your new projects when you get a chance to post! 🙂

      • You are too sweet Katherine! I felt bad, not posting for weeks… but I AM really busy lol! even dropped out of the collectively for this month 😦 but I’ll try and post more!

  6. I LOVE that pillow! Sam has always been my favorite Seuss character, though 😉 (I have to deal with this entity for work called System for Award Management, SAM for short, and I always think that in my head – I do not like green eggs and ham, ha ha.)

  7. Thanks so much for a great trip down Memory Lane with the updated looks you came up with! I am a big Dr. Seuss fan, and love the pillow. The headband idea is fantastic too. Wishing you a day full of all the thinks you can think.

  8. Love the cushion and neck cushion, love them all actually, you are just so talented at re-purposing things. You are going to make me think now before I throw anything away. Linda x

  9. Fabulous. I can’t get enough of the idea of re-purposing a shirt into a pillow, now i’m kicking myself for tossing some of my favorite shirts as I got older. You are super talented and the fact that you’re a Dr. Seuss fan is an added bonus. 🙂

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