Art Apron


ApronRecently I shared “Another Wonder Woman Apron”  (a version of the Wonder Woman Retro Apron) that I made using a denim apron body from a sack of remnants a family member gave me.

A little more digging uncovered another one—a light blue this time—but again just the body and a bib pocket with no straps.

So . . . I decided to make another art apron!

First, I removed the pocket, googled a clip art picture of a paint palette, penciled it onto the pocket, embroidered it, and stitched the pocket back on.

Then I used the zebra fabric you’ve seen on some of my other projects (originally a set of sheets from Target!) for the neck and waist ties.

Ta-da! ♥


47 responses »

  1. I am living vicariously through your blog and salivating over all of the wonderful and creative crafts. As I work full time I don’t have time to do all of the projects I would love to do so I just enjoy them through your blog! Thank you! Also a huge thank you for stopping by my blog so consistently. I really appreciate your support! ~Thea

    • I’m still working full-time, too . . . so I do love my evenings and weekends for sewing and crafting! Luckily, I have a huge pile of “starteds” and “want-tos” . . . so it’s easy to grab something when I have a free minute. Thank you for the lovely compliment, and I do love your blog, Thea! 🙂

  2. Pingback: My Friday Favorites, March 1st | livingsimplyfree

  3. Pingback: Aprons for Auction | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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