Tag Archives: Green Eggs and Ham

What can you make with a Dr. Seuss T-shirt?


ShirtMarch 2 is Dr. Seuss’s birthday! When I taught first grade, we always celebrated by wearing Dr. Seuss T-shirts, cooking green eggs and ham in the classroom, and reading all the kids’ favorite DS books. But now that I’ve moved on to a different career, I decided to use this well-loved T-shirt for my next “What can you make with a . . .” refashion.

  • First, I used the bottom of the shirt for the no-sew spaghetti t-shirt scarf that I shared last month.
  • Next, I used the “Sam’s Ham” graphic and back for a pillow (which is now on its way to some sweet little guys in Florida along with a copy of the matching book). I love that the T-shirt had a Dr. Seuss label that I could stitch into the side seam of the pillow!
  • The fabric from the shoulders became a travel neck pillow with “Ahh . . .” embroidered for a-la-mode. (You’ll find a fabulous tutorial at The Cottage Home!)
  • The rest of the scraps were stitched together into a rectangle and paired with a colorful remnant to make a little mat to put under a centerpiece or plant.
  • Oh, and did you know that a t-shirt neckband makes a perfect no-sew headband for around the house or working out???  Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss! ♥
