Tag Archives: Goals

Happy New Year!


2016CalendarEven though the new year begins on a Friday this time, I always like to remember “Short Monday Poem” by Ellen Grace Olinger on Poems From Oostburg, Wisconsin when January 1 rolls around:

and planning
the week
what will grow
what should rest

By replacing a couple of words, it’s also the perfect way to frame the new year. What needs to grow in 2016? What needs to rest? Thank you once again for the inspiration, Ellen! ♥



A New Way to Think About a New Day . . .


Last fall I lit up when I read “Short Monday Poem” by Ellen Grace Olinger on Poems From Oostburg, Wisconsin:

and planning
the week
what will grow
what should rest

What a lovely way to frame a new week . . . or month . . . or year . . . or even a day. Now when I make a to-do list, I find myself prayerfully asking, “What needs to grow? What needs to rest?” I even made a chart to share with my writing group. We can put our writing or personal goals at the top (Find more time to write? Feel more energized? Learn to ______?) and then list what needs to grow and rest in order to accomplish the goal. Thank you so much for inspiring me, Ellen!  P.S. My blog is on my “rest” list for a bit while I finish three big projects for work. I’ll be back for Valentine’s Day! ♥
