Tag Archives: Drawing

Red Sweater Heart Pillow


Scene FramedRemember the little hearts I sewed on my recent travels—upcycled from a sleeve of a cozy old red sweater?

I used two of them for little-girl barrettes with pink button a-la-mode and all but four for my heart-to-heart garland.

Then I looked at the sweater again and decided that the body had to become a BIG red Valentine pillow, like this:

  • Fold the sweater in half lengthwise and, starting at the fold, cut a large half-valentine from the front and back. Unfold.
  • Pin and stitch strips of the sweater’s hem and sleeve binding across the pillow front for a-la-mode.
  • Pin and stitch the pillow front to the pillow back, right sides together, leaving about three inches unsewn.
  • Trim the seam, then turn the pillow rightside-out, stuff, and handstitch the opening.

It’s the softest pillow ever! ♥

P.S. The drawing in my office is a print of I’m Into Art by Elizabeth “Grandma” Layton of Wellsville, Kansas.  You can read a biographical sketch of Mrs. Layton’s life and see close-ups of her drawings here.  She’s one AMAZING lady!

Gone Rustic and Stitched Up Mama


I absolutely love to send people cards made from original art and photography reproductions, so I was very excited to find these in the Redbubble Shop of my blogging friend Rita from Australia! Rita has her own studio and gallery, teaches classes, hosts exhibitions, and has MANY creative irons in the fire including quilts, fibre and textile art, mixed media, and collectibles. Here are Rita’s links, which you can locate anytime in my Shop Love! page above:

Thank you for the beautiful cards, Rita! ♥
