The Green Crafts Lifestyle


The Green Crafts Lifestyle - Christmas EditionFirst of all, THANK YOU for all the lovely comments, good wishes,  and over 100 LIKES on my Christmas Bunting post! I met my writing deadline for work and had an extra-special time with our Thanksgiving guests. Before I straighten the house and start decorating for Christmas, I want to make sure you’ve heard about our friend Mahe’s newest “green crafting” e-book that you can get TODAY through DECEMBER 4 for FREE by clicking here! (If you don’t have a Kindle, you can get a Kindle app for your computer—also for free—right here.) The book includes step-by-step photos and directions for a Christmas tree, snowman, package toppers and tags, ornaments, placecards, a mobile, bunting, cards, envelopes, gift bags, and LOTS of fun handmade gifts. Most of the projects are designed by Mahe herself but (as always!) Mahe welcomes guest artists, such as:

You can read about the rest of Mahe’s books here, here, here, and here. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I’ll be back with new posts starting Monday! ♥  

21 responses »

  1. Katherine, so glad you were able to finish your work to have time to enjoy the holidays stress free. It’s good to see you back and thank you for letting us know Mahe’s latest book is available, I’ve downloaded my copy and can’t wait to see what I can learn from this one!

  2. Ah thank you so much for visiting my posts and liking them despite being so busy. I feel so blessed to have you in my space and get your likes 🙂 Will visit the list of sites and also download Mahe’s ebook in a day. Thanks for sharing.

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