

In a reply to a comment on the Autumn Mantel post, I lamented that there never seems to be enough time to do all the projects I have on my list.  But intecoolochoberord replied,

“Time can be a funny thing . . . but I’d rather have too much inspiration

and too little time than the other way around!” 

Then, on the Start Where You Are . . .  post, gentlestitches commented,

“The more I let go of perfectionism,

the more perfect my projects become.”

Sometimes our blogging friends say EXACTLY what we need to hear! ♥

20 responses »

  1. I have felt exactly that same way lately. There won’t be enough time to complete my cross-stitch Xmas ornament collection before the big holiday…but it was well put to say I’d rather have too much inspiration & not enuf time than the other way around.
    Thanks for sharing!


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