Fabric Memo Board Plus . . .


Here’s how I actually used the memo board I made . . . to display the fabric flowers I made for my beautiful daughter-in-law Shannon’s birthday! I had fun trying out lots of different kinds, as detailed below. However, I can’t say that I followed ANY of the directions to a T . . . stitching instead of gluing, trimming a bit here and there, that sort of thing . . . and each one has both a pin and a clip stitched to the back so it’ll work as a-la-mode for either clothes or hair.  Also, purchasing the pattern wasn’t a necessity, since tons of free patterns and tutorials are available online, but I found it for $2.99 (marked down from $18.95, which is crazy!) and it got me off to a good start. I’m definitely hooked on making flowers now!  Oh, and here are links to the bloggers who helped me . . . thank you! ♥

How Joyful

Ruffles and Stuff

The Renegade Seamstress

Kimono Reincarnate

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  1. Pingback: Another 5-Minute Craft Room Idea « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  2. Pingback: Fabric Memo Board « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  3. Pingback: Colorful Fabric Memo Board « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  4. Pingback: Pin-Up Menu Board | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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