Adding Texture with Felt


Since I’ve started searching out throw pillows everywhere I go, I’ve seen many that use felt to achieve a 3-dimensional look. Recently a friend gave me a huge piece of green felt, so I decided to see if I could make a fluffy Christmas wreath. First, I got a square of red fabric and drew two circles by tracing the outside of different sizes of pan lids. Then I cut out LOTS (probably 200 or so) felt circles (while watching TV of course. :)), got a needle and some green thread, and was ready to go. To attach the felt, I folded the little circle into fourths to create a point in the center. I then tacked that point to the outer circle of the pillow with three small cross-stitches. I kept going, placing each felt circle point very close to the last one, until I made it all the way around. I then did the same thing on the smaller inner circle and finished by making one last round between the first two. The result? The circles are so crowded that they all fold up like little tacos and create that texture I was going for. (Can you say frou-frou? ♥) The finished pillow is 12 x 12.

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