Artists I Admired On Our Trip


On our recent trip to visit Baby Katy, I saw some adorable creations in her nursery! I also discovered the most amazing fabric art at the Philadelphia International Airport—Kay Healy’s “Coming Homelife-sized fabric mural in Terminal E. (Click on photo above for a larger view).  I couldn’t stop looking at all the intricate details!

Now for those fun nursery ideas . . .

(1) The top picture is “She Art” lovingly created by Katy’s Aunt Shannon. Visit Christy Tomlinson’s blog (the founder of She Art) to learn more about this art form.

(2) The owl and flower paper collages are by a lovely interior designer and friend of Katy’s mom and dad. Please check out her web site at Ashley Heath Design. (And we loved how the flowers coordinate with Katy’s new mobile!)

(3) Katy’s mommy, author of the delicious cooking blog Consumed: My Culinary Adventure, made this beautiful curtain “gift-wrapped” with ties sewn from a coordinating fabric. I love it! ♥

28 responses »

  1. I love that every thing in the nursery is made by an artist, and her mom. When I was expecting my first I had never tried to make anything and didn’t know I could, how far I’ve come. My son’s nursery was furnished with store bought curtains and Home Interior wall pieces. How I wish I knew then that I could have personalized it myself. Fast forward to grand-children and my children have asked me to make some of the items in their children’s rooms. I have made curtains, and samplers, painted and so much more, but I don’t have the talent to aspire to these beautiful pieces….yet.:-)

  2. What a crafty family and friends you have!

    I love the owl (I collect them) and the mural is gorgeous. It reminds me of one that was hung in my city’s main art gallery for awhile. It was called the Quilt of Belonging and measured 120 feet long and 10 feet high, containing 263 squares, representing 71 Aboriginal tribes & 192 immigrant nationalities in Canada. It was the most fabulous piece of fabric art I’d ever seen. If you want to check it out, here’s the web address 🙂

  3. Pingback: How Cute Are These??? « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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