Bobbin Magic


My bobbin bowl before . . .

If you sew, you’re going to love this fabulous idea for keeping your bobbins neat and tidy!

  • First, read this post from Schlosser Designs.
  • Next, go to the hardware store to buy some clear tubing . . . mine was only 37ยข for one foot!
  • Finally, cut the tubing “doughnuts” (I used scissors instead of a an X-Acto blade), slice them open, and pop them on your bobbins. No more stray strings! โ™ฅ

My bobbin bowl after . . . thank you, SD!

50 responses »

  1. I am planning to do this when I get my Thread Shelf made. According to Pinterest, somewhere you can also use Hair scrunchies. Those tiny little ones I don’t know the exact name of them

  2. I have enjoyed following your blog and have nominated you for the โ€œone Lovely Blogโ€ Award.Now for the rules of acceptance:
    -Thank the person/people who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
    -Share seven possibly unknown things about yourself.
    -Nominate fifteen or so bloggers you admire.
    -Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know and link back to them.

    • Oh, thank you! How kind! Please allow me to *bend* the rules a bit and, instead of writing a post about myself, add the button to my sidebar with a big THANK YOU to you (plus, when you click on the button, it links back to you!) as a token of my appreciation. And keep up the great work on your blog! Thank you again! ๐Ÿ™‚ Katherine

  3. Oh, thanks for pointing that out. I’m on a bit of a sewing hiatus but my bobbins were a disaster no matter how I tried to keep them neat and orderly. Soon as I unpack them I’m trying this!

    • You’ll love it! And it only takes a few minutes, except for the trip to the store (but who doesn’t love to go to the hardware store!). Thank you for visiting! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Awesome! I was looking for something like this (years ago) but didn’t find anything so I’ve just been using Clover’s bobbin holder. Same concept but the bobbins are all held in a little rotating rack.

  5. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award (part 1) | Another Little Crafty Creation

  6. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award | Another Little Crafty Creation

  7. Pingback: Another 5-Minute Craft Room Idea « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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