Storage With Style


I’m working on a project that requires 16 colors of embroidery floss. I decided to start with all new skeins to make sure I wouldn’t run out, so I was tickled pink to find a new way to store the leftovers once I’d finished with them. (Thank you, Pinterest! β™₯) I think they look extra pretty in this bowl Greg made, don’t you?Β This concept also fits a new decorating strategy I adopted when we decided to downsize to a smaller home. Instead of putting up decorations AND finding places to store things, why not use storage solutions that decorate?

12 responses »

  1. This is the first time I’ve ever bought brand new floss because I have such a big stash from Grandma Leona and other crafty family members! When I get a chance, I’m going to clothespin wrap all of those skeins, too, and store them in the big bowl my mom made (the one with the cookie cutters above) . . . probably on the coffee table. πŸ™‚

  2. Pingback: Citrus Coasters « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  3. Pingback: Another 5-Minute Craft Room Idea « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  4. Brilliant idea! I use two different colors of embroidery floss on every quilt I make and I have rebought the same thread more than once because I didn’t see I alrady owned it. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Pingback: Crafty Corner « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  6. Pingback: More Citrus Coasters! | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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