An Invitation from The Renegade Seamstress


easy-diy-refashion-tutorials2I know that you . . . like me . . . are all HUGE fans of Beth, the Renegade Seamstress.

Besides her inspiring blog full of “real” projects that any of us can try, Beth also sponsored Refashion Runway, is a weekly contributor to eHow, and has a book coming out this fall that I can’t WAIT to read!

Now Beth has been asked to teach a live web seminar on March 31 for BurdaStyle and has invited all of us to participate!

“Refashion: Inspiration and Projects to Revamp and Recycle Your Wardrobe”

Read Beth’s post about the seminar HERE and click HERE to see the course description and register.

I know it will be amazing . . . congratulations, Beth! ♥

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