Cupcake Girl


PatternA special little girl in our family celebrated her sixth birthday on December 1st. As you know, a December birthday gift must NOT be Christmasy! 🙂 So, since she absolutely loves to bake with her mom, I decided on a cupcake gift. First I made an apron using a remnant from the nursery pillows I sewed last summer that looks like sprinkles. I didn’t have a child-size pattern, so I just cut a rectangle for the front, a long, skinny piece for the waistband and tie, found some rick-rack trim, and stitched it up. Then I folded a piece of paper, sketched half of a cupcake paper and top, cut them out, unfolded the paper, and used these as patterns for some cupcake a-la-mode (two yellow fabrics and sequins for sprinkles) and a scrapbook paper gift tag. Then I bought some cake mix, frosting (with sprinkles!), cupcake papers, and cupcake flags to go with the apron. I was going to make a little totebag to gift it in, but then I spotted this adorable tin for $2.99 in my grocery store’s clearance aisle . . . how lucky is that! Happy birthday, dear Kira! ♥  P.S. Please check out this fun post on Peg’s Gotta Do for more cupcake inspiration!


65 responses »

  1. What an excellent gift. Being December born myself, I KNOW how gifts for December babies should NOT be Christmasy!! I used to have relatives sometimes give me my Birthday and Christmas gift as one gift, or even give my birthday gift to me on Christmas.

  2. This is so adorable, and I know Kira will love it! Today is my brother’s birthday, and my son and I also have December birthdays. It is so important to exclude ‘Christmas’ in celebrating December birthdays. Enjoy the celebration with your family!

  3. What a lucky girl to have you as a member of her family. This is so thoughtful and tailored to her… the best kind of gift.

    Speaking of birthdays, my middle son’s birthday is today and he’s coming over for dinner. I asked him if he needed/wanted anything special for his birthday and he said he would like me to make some macaroni & cheese (his favorite meal) and put them in individual servings that he could store in the freezer. I thought that was the sweetest request; it’s so homey and simple, but what he wants for his birthday present, so I will happily be up to my elbows in mac & cheese this afternoon.

  4. Pingback: Aprons for Auction | PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

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